Chris Eburne

Posts by Chris Eburne for Latest News:

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Navigating the Perils: Unravelling the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

In the age of technological marvels, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a revolutionary force reshaping the world we live in.

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Best Practices for Writing IVRs

Best Practices for Writing IVRsThere are many things to consider when writing IVRs and designing a positive caller experience, which can seem daunting.

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Mobile Device Management

The use of mobile devices has boomed over the last decade and they have become common place for employees to have a device issued from their employer but what happens…

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Password Manager

Passwords are becoming more of a headache for business owners as they increasingly have more and more to manage with each website they access or software they use on a…

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Starting a business is a difficult task to undertake but building the business can be even more challenging.

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Working Remotely

Do you long to work from home? or perhaps you’re not able to work at your normal premises and are forced to work from home? This is an issue that…

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What is a Chromebook? Are they any good? Should you buy one? A Chromebook is a device similar to a net book or laptop but instead of having Windows as the…

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Windows 7 End Of Life

Windows 7 is set to reach End Of Life (EOL) on the 14th January 2020. The mainstream support ended in 2015 with the extended support running until 14/01/2020.

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IE Vulnerability

Microsoft has been trying to get people off of Internet Explorer for a while now and instead making Microsoft Edge the default browser on Windows 10.

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Boston Dynamics

Is it a dog? Is it a robot?. . . . .

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